Term Times & Sessions
Designed to help children realise their potential

Term Times
We are a term time preschool – the academic preschool year 2022/2023 important dates below:
Autumn Term 2022 starts on Thursday 1 September 2022 and ends on Friday 16 December 2022
(Half term from Monday 24 October to Friday 28 October 2022)
Spring Term 2023 starts on Tuesday 3 January 2023 and ends on Friday 31 March 2023
(Half term from Monday 13 February to Friday 17 February 2023)
Summer Term 2023 starts on Monday 17 April 2023 and ends on Friday 21 July 2023
(Half term from Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June 2023)
We offer the following sessions Monday to Friday, term time only (38 weeks per year)
Morning Sessions are 9/9.30am to 12/1pm
Afternoon Sessions are 12/1pm – 2:30/3pm
The children have their lunch between 12pm and 1pm.
All day sessions are 9/9.30am – 2.30/3pm.
Use your 15 hours of Early Years Education funding in the way that best suits you and your child. If your child does not yet qualify for funding, or you wish to take up additional hours, we charge £5.40 per hour.
We accept the 2 year old funding – to check your eligibility for this, please click here
We also have a limited number of spaces for the 30 hours extended funding, please get in touch with us to check latest availability.

Day care offer
Schedule and tuition
Half Days
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 12:00
- $1,800/mo
Full Days
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 3:30
- $2,300/mo
Extended Day
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 5:30
- $2,600/mo
We welcome kids into our 2-4’s program based on their birth year.